How to Lend Tax-Free Dollars from your Self-Directed IRAs Safely and Securely

How would you like to earn “mailbox money” TAX-FREE, monthly to your self-directed IRA(s)?

Perhaps the most common alternative asset we see at Nuview Trust Company are notes secured by real estate. Many investors have found that note investing within the IRAs and 401ks has many advantages, and much less work than owning real estate directly. Not only does your IRA and 401k shelter your investments from taxation but note investments in your IRA can provide very steady streams of passive income, secured by real assets such as real estate, without having to deal with toilets and tenants.

This class will teach you the process of purchasing promissory notes within your self-directed IRA(s) and discuss 3 creative note strategies that may help create more WIN-WIN scenarios between your IRA as the lender and potential borrowers. Let your IRA “Be the Bank” and sit back and watch it grow.

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